Lessons Learned after Teaching almost 200 Kids 3D Modeling for 3D Printing

One of the biggest perks of teaching is learning from the students. Every time a student gets stuck on an issue from one of his or her own design, it gives me a chance to reinforce my own 3D modeling skills because I am usually looking at a design I’ve never seen before. Here are three lessons that I’ve learned teaching almost 200 children, age 8-15, over the last three years 3D modeling for 3D printing.

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How to implement/promote collaborative learning in the 3D printing classroom

What is it that so many children dream of? Even from a young age they start to develop their own distinct personalities and create their own worlds inside their vivid imaginations. Regardless of what the product of those imaginations may be, given the capability to make those imagined creations come to life, what child would not jump at the chance to design their own toy or dreamt up character?

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